Immanuel’s Response to the Coronavirus

Immanuel’s Response to the Coronavirus

March 13, 2020

Dear Immanuel Bible Church,

First, the joy of the Lord is our strength, and we rest in the faithfulness of our King and Shepherd.

As you may be aware, the governor of Michigan has temporarily banned gatherings larger than 250 people for the next several weeks.

What does this mean for Immanuel Bible Church?

We are canceling all morning and evening gatherings at IBC for Sunday, March 15. The audio from the message Pastor Matt planned to preach on Sunday will be available online. Be watching for that on our website and podcast!

We want to follow Jesus’ command and love our neighbors well by doing our part to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

We also recognize our deep need to gather as the body of Christ. Therefore, this next week we will be evaluating protocols for sanitation, staggered service times, etc., so that we can establish a new way of gathering as Christ’s body while working towards the flourishing and protection of all image-bearers of God, particularly the vulnerable.

Please pray for IBC leaders as they seek God’s wisdom for growing the body of Christ in a world currently characterized by social distancing.

How Can I Love and Serve?

This is a tremendous opportunity for us to love and serve our neighbors, shining the light and hope of Christ in a world darkened with fear.

Here are a few ideas from Pastor Matt:

One, consider how to serve the older members of your community. Some of them may feel the need to self-quarantine due to suppressed immune systems or concern over the virus’s effect on those over 70. Maybe they will need groceries or medications delivered.

Two, consider how to serve families. If families have parents with jobs outside the home and have children in the school system, they may now feel the strain of needing to be at work while also needing to be home with their children due to the school closures. Perhaps childcare could be provided by other families who have a parent at home during the day, or by high schoolers who are out of school as of Monday. Also, check to see that kids in your neighborhood have food for meals. Many students depend on school meals for breakfast and lunch.

Three, check in with neighbors and share your resources with them. Apparently, toilet paper is a scarce resource! Make sure your neighbors have what they need! Share your hope and trust in our Creator, King, and Shepherd. Love your neighbors well.

Four, pray. Pray for those infected with the virus. Pray for the vulnerable, including those who are vulnerable to the financial repercussions of this pandemic. Pray for the medical personnel and scientists who are working to protect people locally and globally. Pray for the hope of Jesus Christ to shine through every believer locally and globally.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of our pastors or elders.

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you…The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
2 Thessalonians 3:16, 18